Hello ExecutiveSearch! Hello Recruiters!  Hello everyone!

I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits. I am always thrilled to meet new people and discover new job opportunities in, especially related to roles as an #EXECUTIVE #IndividualContributor #RegionalSalesManager, #COO, #GeneralManager.

However, I have a tiny favor to ask of those who reach out to me for executive search reasons. Pretty Pretty please, with sugar on top, share some essential information about the job and the company you are working for.

I get that sometimes discretion is needed, but at least give me a clue about the sector, the place, the perks, and the pay. Otherwise, it feels like I’m going on a blind date or playing Russian Roulette with my future.

I’m sure you don’t want to spend yourtime or mine by contacting me for a job that is not fit for me or that I’m not keen on. So, let’s be open and candid with each other. That way, we can create trust and harmony, and maybe find a perfect match for both of us.

If you can't share the following information about the ExecutiveSearch you are contacting me for, please think twice:



Thank you for your empathy, understanding and cooperation, I look forward to hearing from you soon.